Focus on Drainage: Drainage water recycling with Chris Hay
Welcome to our new podcast miniseries, Focus on Drainage. In this four-episode miniseries, we speak to experts from different aspects of the agricultural drainage and water management sector to discuss evolving trends and innovation in the field of water management. Contractors, educators, advocates and government experts weigh in on how to evaluate drainage decisions for your operation, how to work with contractors and what to know about drainage and conservation.
In our first episode, we chat with Iowa's Chris Hay. Hay, now an independent consultant focused on agricultural water management, has a background in both academia and extension, including with Iowa State University and the Iowa Soybean Association. With much of his experience focused on both irrigation and subsurface drainage, it makes sense that Hay's career eventually began to also focus on drainage water recycling (DWR). Hay shares what the benefits are of DWR, both from a yield perspective and an environmental perspective, what conditions favor DWR, and what the future holds in terms of costs and subsidization.