Episode 7

Published on:

23rd Aug 2024

IWCA Series: Kendra Donnelly

Based in Alberta, Kendra Donnelly is the president of Ki-Era Cattle and Consulting, a company that provides business development, administration and CFO services within the beef industry. Although Donnelly grew up on a feedlot operation, working with animals didn't come naturally and she didn't initially expect to build a career in agriculture.

In 2015, Kendra and her husband partnered with her parents as shareholders in a feedlot operation near Acme, Alberta - and that initial investment grew into multiple businesses. With a masters degree in business administration and a CPA accounting designation, she now acts as president for the consulting company for those businesses and leads a team of people with expertise in finance and accounting, human resources and business development and sustainability.

In this episode, Donnelly chats with agriculture editor Kaitlin Berger about her journey back to agriculture, her project with Tidewater Renewables to create an industry-leading, onsite bio-digestor technology and how she seeks to contribute positively to the perspective of agriculture within the local community. She speaks to how she manages self doubt in her career and the importance of gaining perspective from older and younger generations.

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About the Podcast

AgAnnex Talks
Conversations that matter to Canada's ag industry
AgAnnex Talks is a biweekly podcast brought to you by the agriculture brands at Annex Business Media: Top Crop Manager, Potatoes in Canada, Fruit & Vegetable, Manure Manager and Canadian Poultry.

Every other week, we'll host compelling conversations on topics that matter to Canada's agriculture industry, with some of the most important and trusted voices. You'll hear from experts in the world of ag safety, labour and staffing, mental health, and much more.

For detailed show notes, visit agannex.com.

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Stefanie Croley