Episode 3

Published on:

24th May 2021

Top 4 Under 40: Philip Keddy

Welcome to the third episode in our Top 4 Under 40 series. These four episodes will feature conversations with the winners of Fruit & Vegetable’s recent contest, which sought to recognize the industry’s young trailblazers.

In this episode, Fruit & Vegetable associate editor Alex Barnard chats with Philip Keddy, production manager of C.O. Keddy Nursery Inc. Keddy and his family grow strawberry nursery plants and sweet potatoes in Nova Scotia's Annapolis Valley. He discusses the importance of finding what fits for your operation even if it's unconventional, the power of building a rapport with your customers, and finding motivation in doing what others say can't be done.

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About the Podcast

AgAnnex Talks
Conversations that matter to Canada's ag industry
AgAnnex Talks is a biweekly podcast brought to you by the agriculture brands at Annex Business Media: Top Crop Manager, Potatoes in Canada, Fruit & Vegetable, Manure Manager and Canadian Poultry.

Every other week, we'll host compelling conversations on topics that matter to Canada's agriculture industry, with some of the most important and trusted voices. You'll hear from experts in the world of ag safety, labour and staffing, mental health, and much more.

For detailed show notes, visit agannex.com.

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About your host

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Stefanie Croley